How does a Clubhouse work?

  • A Clubhouse works because it creates community. This is its key characteristic and essential to the functioning of every Clubhouse: people relating and working together as a community with a common goal.

  • Clubhouse is only for persons with a mental illness diagnosis and only these persons can become lifetime members.

  • A Clubhouse community establishes a “work-ordered day” routine for its members. (8 hours a day, 5 days a week, just like the rest of the working world.) Clubhouse communities hold the conviction that work, and work-mediated relationships, are restorative and provide a firm foundation for growth and important individual achievement (Beard, Propst, Malamud, 1982).

  • As a right of membership Clubhouses provide members with opportunities to return to paid employment in integrated work settings through both Transitional Employment and Independent Employment programs.

  • Socializing is a key part of recovery from mental illness, therefore, in addition to the work opportunities, Clubhouses provide (as developed by the membership) evening, weekend, and holiday social and recreational programming.

  • Through the work day, help is given to members in acquiring and keeping affordable and dignified housing, good mental health and general medical services, government disability benefits and any other services they may need. Members and staff from the Clubhouse provide all of this support and assistance.

  • Also part of the work day for members, is the activity of “Reachout” — keeping track of and offering support to fellow members. If members are absent or in the hospital, their friends from Clubhouse reach out to them and remind them of their importance to the community.

  • The Clubhouse offers educational opportunities for members to complete or start certificate and degree programs at academic institutions and adult education programs. The clubhouse also utilizes the talents and skills of members and staff to provide educational opportunities in the clubhouse.

  • Safe, decent, dignified housing is a right of all members. The Clubhouse helps members to access quality housing.

  • Decision-making and governance are an important part of the Clubhouse work. Members will have an opportunity to serve on the governing boards, committees and task-forces of Galveston County Clubhouse Inc.